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Thank you for this analysis. If you want the other side of the thesis, Jehoshaphat Research has published a short report on the name in July. They "believe SCI’s prices for funeral services are far higher than those of its peers. As online price transparency becomes ubiquitous in the US, this high-fixed-cost, heavily leveraged business stands to suffer a ~30% decline in funeral pricing." Here is the full report if you are interested : https://jehoshaphatresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/SCI-Short-Report-by-Jehoshaphat-Research-July-2023.pdf

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Muy buena tesis y de empresa que desconocía que se agradece mucho eso. La verdad que viendo la posible valoración futura no me llama la atención considero que existen numerosas opciones mas interesantes.

Gracias Mexican!

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